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5 Ways academic success programs support student achievement
Image of a studet athlete dunking a basketball while participating in academic success programs.

Achieving academic success is vital for high school student-athletes on track for college scholarships. With academic eligibility requirements set by the NCAA, students must maintain solid grades and test scores from the moment they enter their freshman year through graduation.

Fortunately, resources are available to help student-athletes and their families monitor academic progress and remain on track.

Academic success programs provide the monitoring, structure, and support students need to balance sports and academics over their high school careers.

Grade and test score monitoring

Academic success programs allow students, parents, and counselors to monitor grades, coursework, and standardized test scores throughout high school.

A web-based platform like GradeCheck uses a centralized dashboard to track:

  • GPAs
  • Credits
  • Graduation requirements
  • And more

Students can visualize their academic standing and plan to fulfill NCAA eligibility requirements. With a clear picture of where they stand grade-wise, students can catch any issues early and improve grades before they threaten college recruitment.

Structured academic guidance

Academic success programs provide accountability and structured guidance to help students stay on track academically with personalized plans created by coaches and counselors.

Students get a clear roadmap for their future by setting goals for:

  • GPA minimums
  • Credit completion
  • Test scores

Regular check-ins ensure they are taking the right classes, improving grades, and making progress toward eligibility. This structured guidance keeps students focused amidst the distractions of sports, after-school jobs, extra-curricular activities, and teenage life.

Skilled tutoring and test preparation help

Many academic success programs like GradeCheck provide access to tutoring services and test prep resources. One-on-one tutoring is available for advanced, time-consuming classes, such as:

  • Calculus
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

Test prep helps students develop strategies, content knowledge, and confidence to score higher on the SAT and ACT.

These services level the playing field and give students the tools to achieve academically. Dedicated tutors help explain complex concepts and strengthen skills in problem subjects. Test prep improves scores that may be weighing down eligibility. Access to these resources ensures students get the academic reinforcement they need.

College planning support

Academic success programs guide student-athletes through the college recruitment and application process. Counselors help in various capacities, including:

  • Identifying target schools
  • Managing recruiting communication
  • Creating applications to highlight athletic strengths

They also ensure students meet academic eligibility requirements when applying.

These services alleviate stress and provide expertise as students navigate the complex world of college admissions and athletic recruitment. Partnering with experienced counselors helps students make smart college choices academically and athletically and stay focused on securing an athletic scholarship throughout high school.

Strategies to prioritize mental health wellbeing

Student-athletes deal with immense pressure to perform academically and in their sport. Academic success programs provide counseling and mental health resources to help students maintain perspective and prioritize self-care. Virtual counseling services enable students to get convenient mental health support that fits their already packed schedules.

Mental wellness resources teach:

  • Healthy stress management
  • Coping strategies
  • Time management
  • Self-care

Students are reminded they are more than just athletes - they are complex individuals with diverse needs. Keeping mental health and self-confidence strong enables students to thrive in all areas of life.

Stay eligible––register today in an academic success program with GradeCheck.

The support and guidance provided by academic success programs are invaluable for high school student-athletes with college athletic scholarships in sight.

GradeCheck empowers students to take control of their education and future by monitoring academic progress, accessing tutoring and counseling, and receiving expert college planning guidance.

For student-athletes looking to play college sports, academic success programs provide the resources needed to meet NCAA eligibility standards confidently. Register for GradeCheck today to stay on track and stay eligible.